Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy New Year!!!! 2010!!!1 I can't Believe it,

January 4, 2010

Bon Dia! Con bai?

Hey Family and friends! First off I want to wish you a big old Happy New Years! All the way from Aruba!

Congratulations! We all made it to 2010! I really can't believe that it is already 2010, that is so incredible! It seems like just yesterday I was in the MTC and even my six month mark seemed so far away then, but now the time has come and gone in a flash and it's so crazy!

I have to apologize for not having more work to report in my my email this week but I have a funny story that is a good excuse for the lack of work to report. Elder Bailey scraped up his leg playing football on Christmas night. All weekend he had been complaining about how much it was hurting him. We were a little surprised about how much it was hurting but we thought nothing of it and continued to work. On
Wednesday we went to teach a member in our ward who just happens to be a nurse. She asked if she could see Elder Bailey's leg. When she looked she said "ahhh no no no no, that's really infected." It turns out Elder Bailey had an extremely bad and infected wound on his leg and the recommendation was to let it heal . . . Stay inside. Haha! So this week, from Wednesday afternoon until this morning, we stayed in
our apartment. Needless to say our Area Book was VERY organized and I think our apartment is the cleanest it has ever been. Not to mention that I read every single Liahona or Ensign magazine that we have in the house. It was good too. I definitely hated not being able to work. It was actually like torture for me. But Elder Bailey not having to get his leg cut off was pretty important.

Anyways, it sounds like you all had a great new years. I have to admit that the party that they had on the island is something that I have absolutely never seen before in my life. We woke up at 11:55 because we had heard that the New Year celebration was something special and I couldn't believe it. When we awoke every house on the block was already doing fireworks . . . and they were the legit kind too. The kind they do at the Stadium of Fire. When 12 o' clock rolled around everyone lit off fire works and firecrackers at the same time. It was incredible! It was like the island was on fire. it was absolutely a once in a lifetime thing to see. It was so incredible and loud. I could barely hear myself think it was so

I do have one cool story to mention. On Tuesday we went and visited a man we had met last week. We had knocked on his door and while we were tracting. When we knocked on the door, I just started talking about the Book of Mormon. It was weird because I usually never talk about the Book of Mormon during a first contact but the words just started coming so I let them go. We came back this week and he told us, "you know what guys, I have talked to so many of you before and I always just tell them I am Christian and then they leave. You are the first missionaries to say anything about this Book of Mormon and it really got me interested, I wanted to learn more. Do you think that you can tell me more about it!" I couldn't help but think back to that first contact and realize how the Lord had worked through my words to touch this man's heart. I did absolutely nothing. The Lord did absolutely everything. It was amazing to see that the Holy Ghost truly does work through the missionaries. I was just glad to have someone to teach. But I think our Heavenly Father is glad that one of his children let go of his pride and decided to listen to our message.
Like I said, that was about the only cool experience we had this week. The rest of the week we were inside.

And now the big news . . . I thought you would all want to hear about transfers. My new companion is going to be Elder Rogerman. I have yet to meet him. I will meet him tomorrow. But the big news is that I am also being transferred me on the islands which is completely unheard of. They transferred me to an area called San Nicholas. It's on the other side of the island way far away. So yes, I will be island training and whitewashing a new area. Should be a fun couple of weeks.

I was a little sad to have to be leaving all of these people that I have met. But again the only thing I could think of was the hymn I'll go where you want me to go dear Lord. It will be interesting. And it's still not for sure, but we will have more information for you next week! Pray for me! I am going to need all the help I can get.

I love you all so much and I look forward to hearing from you soon with your letters that you hopefully have all been sending :) hahah.

I love you so much! Have an amazing Happy New year! Good luck with
the new school year too!

Love ya forever,
Your Amigo Fiel,
Elder Oviatt

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